English is the most commonly taught language as a second language. It is the international language par excellence. It is currently the language of business, especially if you work for an international company, anywhere in the world.
It is a global language. More than 200 million people speak French in the 5 continents. 68 states and governments declare themselves French-speaking around the world, with French being the official language in 33 countries.
¿Do you live in Mexico and dont speak Spanish? Houston, weve got a problem!
Mexicans are learning English fast, and in the professional field a lot of people are proficient in the International language. Still, not everyone speaks English, and even fewer people speak other languages. And what about shopping, traveling around our beautiful country, or making friends? If youre staying here for a few weeks or for a couple of years, speaking Spanish will give you an advantage in your experience of the country and when you go back, in your career.